How Often Should You Change The Blade Of Your Cut Throats?

Blades naturally lose their intensity with time and excessive use. If you use a dull blade for shaving, never expect to have the perfect result. It means you need to change your blade after a certain period. Now the length of time depends on various factors.

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In this article, you will explore the factors that create an impact on razor blade longevity. Eventually, you’ll get the answer of how often you need to buy cut throats online.

Factors That Influence How Long Blades Last

Most people swap their blades of razors somewhere between 1 and 7 shaves. However, this is just a rough idea. There are plenty of different reasons that affect the actual timing of a safety razor blade longevity.

1) Your Hair

The thickness is one of the major factors that decrease the sharpness of your blade. Usually, a cut throat loses its intensity after excessive use. In addition to that, if you have thick and coarse hair, it will need replacing more often. If you have thin hair, you need not change very frequently as thin hair demands less pressure.

2) Surface Area of your skin

You might get surprised, but this is another factor that decreases the sharpness of your blade. If your skin is rough, you may have to put more pressure. If your skin is smooth and blemishes free then don't require it to change very frequently. Your surface area of skin can make an impact on buying cut throats online.

3) Speed of Growth

It is another factor that can force you to change the blade of your cutthroats. If your hair tends to grow speedily, you need to shave more often. That means your razor will blunter. Though, it depends on personal preference also. But, the blade needs to change after every six shaves on average.

Buy Cutthroats From Online

If your blade gets dull and needs to be altered, trust on some professional. Mr. Shaver has a vast selection of shaving equipment. All are reasonable and can enjoy free shipping over $50.You can buy cut throats online using today!


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